
New Sanctuary Acoustic Design

This is the process of voicing your church Sanctuary based on the needs of your congregation. This process takes the previously gathered test data to the next level by generating an acoustic placement plan with drawings and cost break downs. ASC's engineering department interfaces directly with your building committee to arrive at the best possible acoustic plan. The cost for this service is $1000 (2010).

Key Benefits

  • Voicing is customized acoustics for your church and congregation
  • Saves money by placing the right acoustics in the right places
  • Often saves money on the sound system

In addition to your RT-60 data and your Acoustic Absorption Report, please provide the following:

Before a problem can be fixed, it is best if there is a thorough understanding of the problem and what the main concerns of the congregation are. We have provided a sample questionnaire for you to use to gather information from committee or church members. Please download the Questionnaire and send us your answers.