
ASC Is Your Design Consultant

ASC's unique in-wall bass trapping system

The architect for a new church or remodel is responsible to work out in advance on paper most all of the dreams and nightmares that accompany the building of a church. Adding an acoustic engineer to the design team early in the design stage insures that the sound and noise will work for the church. The engineer reviews the architect plans and “redlines” or makes comments and suggestions about improving the acoustical aspects of the design. Success is in the detail, from not putting toilets on the same wall as the prayer room and where the day care is located to which way office doors open.

ASC founder and Chief Engineer Art Noxon can also provide official comments and findings as requested by your Building Department. These findings are stamped by Mr. Noxon's P.E. seal of approval. While there are many acoustic professionals, Mr. Noxon is regarded by many as "one of the best" in the unique field of church acoustics, and he has over 20 years experience.

No project is too complex for us to manage. Instead of handing out standard boilerplate answers, ASC actually can save churches money by finding the right places to put the right amount of the right kind of acoustics. We aim to improve intelligibility while maintaining the inspirational "big" sound that lifts up the whole congregation.